Success story

Luxembourg Electris relies on epilot as its central corporate platform

With epilot has Electris its digitization strategy to a new level.

What was the initial situation?

  • All sales and network inquiries handled manually by e-mail or on paper
  • Vt took up to 14 days forthe customer and all other parties to sign the offer. had signed the offer
  • Estandardr ProcessingThe effort for the employeesn
  • Electris did not want not to use separate solutions for each division, but to take advantage of a centralized consolidation

"For us, the focus is on developing solutions that are sustainable, economical and simple. It is also important to be aware that we cannot achieve everything on our own. In epilot, we have found a partner that enables us to implement new product ideas quickly and distribute them digitally"

martin wienands
Martin Wienands
Managing Director of Electris

"We don't want to look at the traditional utility or grid sector in isolation from new business areas such as e-mobility or solar. We want to think holistically about the future of energy and map it on a single platform," explains Sven Frohnen, Head of Business Analysis & Product Management at Electris.

Sven Frohnen
Head of Business Analytics & Product Management

What was implemented with epilot?

  • In the meantime, all contacts for the entire website and in the local customer centers across the entire product and service portfolio have been brought together in the new central company platform
  • From electricity or gas calculators, request forms for charging cards, wall boxes, PV systems or grid connections and classic contact forms to application forms for job vacancies
  • Üover 60 modern click routes (Journeys) in 3 different languages and thus digitized inquiry and order processes for 21 business processes
  • Making contact lands as a task with a traceable status and specific internal assignment directly in the system
  • This means that no request is lost or can be answered by answered by all answered by allemployees

Omnichannel communication: epilot as the central Electris system

In an exciting presentation at the epilot Community Convention 2023, Sven Frohnen, Head of Business Analytics & Product Management at Electris, will talk about how epilot is used as a central system at Electris. Simply enquire and gain exclusive insights.

Sven Frohnen
Head of Business Analytics & Product Management

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Marlon Hütten

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