billogram GmbH

billogram GmbH

With Billogram, EVUs can create and send invoices in a variety of ways. Whether by post, email, SMS, in the app or via the customer portal — your customers have the freedom to choose the method that is most convenient for them. This omni-channel presence allows you to reach a wide range of customers and meet their needs. However, Billogram offers more than just billing: Invoices are used as an effective communication channel to promote proactive customer interactions and enable personalized upselling. This not only increases customer satisfaction, but also revenue per customer. Billogram provides innovative tools to automate and optimize the payment process. An intelligent chatbot, automated payment reconciliation and personalized, gentle payment reminders and reminders are part of the offer. This means: on-time payments and satisfied customers. This partnership between epilot and Billogram is a significant step towards more efficient and customer-oriented billing for energy supply companies. We are excited about the opportunities this opens up and look forward to working with Billogram to shape the future of billing for EVUs.

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