Fichtner IT Consulting

Fichtner IT Consulting

Fichtner IT Consulting advises and implements powerful IT solutions for technical networks, systems and infrastructure. They combine their industry knowledge and process know-how with the latest technological expertise to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions for the success of their customers. According to the Fichtner IT Consulting approach, the key to efficient and effective business processes is the acquisition, structuring and linking as well as the targeted preparation and presentation of information — including in spatial context. Their concepts and solutions ensure that their customers are optimally positioned for digitization. They have extensive expertise in the areas of utility and grid operator processes and offer tailor-made solutions to optimize business processes and increase companies' productivity. This experience helps to establish the epilot cloud platform for customers in an even more targeted way. This includes services for the introduction and configuration of the epilot environment as well as integration into customer-specific IT systems and relevant business processes.

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Watch a demo to find out how the epilot cloud platform can help you. Because no one likes inefficient processes. Neither employees, nor partners, nor customers.

Flexible & modular

GDPR compliant

No programming knowledge required

Learn how to set up full use cases in minutes with our growing library of validated blueprints.